职 称:副教授
邮 箱:xuchen_seismic@tongji.edu.cn
2014~2018 同济大学 桥梁与隧道工程 硕博连读(博士,导师:李建中;副导师:管仲国)
2016~2018 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)联合培养博士(导师:Billie F. Spencer)
2012~2014 同济大学 桥梁与隧道工程 硕博连读(硕士,导师:徐艳)
2008~2012 同济大学 土木工程 学士保研
2023至今 同济大学 土木工程学院桥梁工程系 预聘副教授
2021~2023 (日本)東北大学(Tohoku University) 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员
2019~2021 上海大学 力学与工程科学学院 博士后
日本学术振兴会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,JSPS)特别研究员奖励费,21F31067,Inerter-based devices for seismic performance of long period structures,2021/07~2023/03,230 万(円),已结题,主持
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51908348,基于概率方法的高墩桥梁近场地震动响应及推倒分析研究,2020/01~2022/12,27 万,已结题,主持
SCI期刊 Structures (JCR Q1, IF3.9) 编委(Editorial Board)
ASCE-Journal of Structural Design and Construction Practice (IF1.6)副主编(Associate Editor)
SCI期刊 Buildings (JCR Q2, IF3.1) Member of Topical Advisory Panel
SCI期刊 Buildings、Sustainability 客座编辑(Guest Editor)
国际期刊 Disaster Prevention and Resilience、Sustainable Structures、Earthquake Engineering and Resilience (EI)、Urban Resilience and Earthquake Engineering青年编委
Engineering Structures, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering等十余本业内重要期刊审稿人
2023、2024 World's Top 2% Scientist
Xiang N, Wang J, Xu H, Wu X, Wan Z, Chen X*. Seismic performance of continuous bridges under mainshock-aftershock-like sequences with rotatable bonded laminated rubber bearings accommodating support rotation. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2025, 191: 109234.
Pang Y, Luo Q, Wei K, Deng K, Chen X*. Seismic resilience assessment of reinforced concrete bridge constructed with tall piers in the deep-water environment. Engineering Structures, 2025, 325: 119387.
Xiang N, Xu H, Wang J, Wu X, Chen X*. Seismic vulnerability assessment of laminated rubber bearing supported highway bridges with various bearing bonding alternatives. Engineering Structures, 2025, 326: 119498.
Wu S., Li J., Chen X.*, Guan Z. Seismic residual displacement for structural system with partial self-centering ability. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 95, 110123.
Gao H., Li J., Chen X.*, Shen Y. Combined concrete and cable restrainers to prevent longitudinal unseating of highway bridges during earthquakes. Engineering Structures, 2024, 314: 118388.
Chen X., Wu S., Li J, Guan Z., Xiang N. Seismic performance and design procedure of base-isolated bridges with lead-rubber-bearing and negative stiffness springs (LRB-NS). Engineering Structures, 2024, 306: 117871. (ESI Highly Cited Paper, Top 1%)
武少威,项敬辉,李建中,陈旭*. 直接基于位移的非规则减隔震桥梁抗震设计. 振动与冲击. 2024, 43(3): 128-135.
Zhong X, Shen Y, Chen X*, Li J*, Wang Y. Seismic performance of self-centering bridge piers with rocking mechanical hinges. Engineering Structures, 2024, 298: 117032.
Xu, W., Gu, M., Chen, X., Li, J. Seismic performance of precast segemental piers with a novel combined half-grouted sleeve-socket (HGS-S) connection. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 175, 108220.
Wang, R., Ma, B., Chen, X.* Experimental study on bond performance between UHPC and steel bars. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 79, 107861.
Chen X., Guan Z., Li J., Pang Y. Repair procedure-based recovery pattern for esitmating seismic resilience and novel concept of public resilience. Disaster Prevention and Resilience, 2(3).
Xiong, J., Chen, X.* Seismic Performance of Double-column Tall Pier Bents using Fusing Connections. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 170, 107924.
Xiang, N., Feng, Y., Chen, X.*. Novel fiber-based seismic response modelling and design method ofpartially CFST bridge piers considering local buckling effect. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 170, 107911.
Chen, X., Domenico D, Li, C. Seismic resilient design of rocking tall piers using inerter-based systems, Engineering Structures, 2023, 281: 115819. (ESI Highly Cited Paper, Top 1%)
Chen, X., Spencer, B. F., Li, J., Guan, Z., Pang, Y. Optimization of distribution patterns of link beams in adouble-column tall pier bent subjected to earthquake excitations, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2023.
Chen, X., Li, J., Guan, Z. Influence of Ground Motion Characteristics on Higher-mode Effects and Design Strategy for Tall Pier Bridges, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2023, 28(1): 04022126.
Wang, R., Ma, B. & Chen, X.*. Seismic performance of pre-fabricated segmental bridges with an innovative layered-UHPC connection, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 20(12): 6943-6967.
Chen, X., Ikago, K., Guan, Z., Li, J. Wang, X. Lead-Rubber-Bearing with Negative Stiffness Springs (LRB-NS) for Base-Isolation Seismic Design of Resilient Bridges: A Theoretical Feasibility Study. Engineering Structures, 2022, 266:114601. (ESI Highly Cited Paper, Top 1%; Editor choice)
Li, C., Li, H., Chen, X.* Seismic response estimation of tall pier bridges using deep learning techniques, Engineering Structures, 2022, 266:114501.
Guo, W., Guan, Z., Li, J., Chen, X.* Pounding performance between a seismic-isolated long-span girder bridge and its approaches, Engineering Structures, 2022, 262: 114397.
Zhang, H., Ye, Z., Chen, X., Yao, W. Seismic response mitigation of girder displacement of cable-stayed bridge using inerter systems, Structures, 2022, 39: 928-944.
Chen, X., Wu, P., Li, C. Seismic resilient design of tall pier bridges using base isolation with friction pendulum bearings, Structures, 2022, 38: 618-629 (SCI, JCR Q2)
Chen X, Ding H, Li, C. A quasi-tuned-mass-damper design concept for mitigating the dynamic displacement demand of tall piers. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022: 107172.
Chen X, Xiang N, Guan Z, et al. Seismic vulnerability assessment of tall pier bridges under mainshock-aftershock-like earthquake sequences using vector-valued intensity measure. Engineering Structures, 2022, 253: 113732. (ESI Highly Cited Paper, Top 1%; ESI Hot Paper, Top 0.1%; Journal's Top Cited since 2022)
Chen X*, Xiong J. Seismic resilient design with base isolation device using friction pendulum bearing and viscous damper. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022: 107073. (ESI Highly Cited Paper, Top 1%; Journal's Top Cited since 2022)
Chen X., Guan Z., Li J., Wang X. Feasibility investigation of a negative stiffness-based base-isolation seismic design for bridges. 8th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (8WCSCM), 2022, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. (Oral)
Li, C., Li, H., Chen, X.* A framework for fast estimation of structural seismic responses using ensemble machine learning model, Smart Structures and Systems, 2021, 28(3): 425-411.
Wang, R., Ma, B., Chen, X.* Seismic performance of pre-fabricated segmental bridge piers with grouted splice sleeve connections, Engineering Structures, 2021, 229: 111668.
Chen, X., Xiang, N., & Li, C. Influence of higher-order modes of slender tall pier bridge columns on the seismic performance of pile foundations, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 142: 106543.
Chen, X., Li, C. Seismic assessment of tall pier bridges with double-column bents retrofitted with buckling restrained braces subjected to near-fault motions, Engineering Structures, 2021, 226: 111390.
Chen, X.*, Li, J. Seismic fragility analysis for tall pier bridges with rocking foundations. Advances in Bridge Engineering, 2021.
陈旭, 李春祥. 考虑桩-土相互作用的高墩桥梁抗震性能. 同济大学学报: 自然科学版,2021, 49(6):159-166.
Chen, X., Li, C. Seismic assessment of earthquake-resilient tall pier bridges using rocking foundations retrofitted with various energy dissipation devices, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2020, 27(11):e2625.
Chen, X., Guan, Z. Extension of a simplified procedure for estimating nonlinear seismic responses of tall pier bridge systems, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2020: 1-20.
Chen X, Li C. Seismic performance of tall pier bridges retrofitted with lead rubber bearings and rocking foundation. Engineering Structures, 2020, 212: 110529.
Chen X., N. L. Xiang, J. Z. Li, Z. G. Guan. Influence of Near-fault Pulse-like Ground Motion Characteristics on Seismic Performance of Tall Pier Bridges with Fragility Analysis, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2020:1-22.
Chen X. System Fragility Assessment of Tall-Pier Bridges Subjected to Near-Fault Ground Motions. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2020, 25(3): 04019143.
Chen X, Li J, Guan Z. Fragility analysis of tall pier bridges subjected to near-fault pulse-like ground motions. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020,16 (8): 1082-1095.
Xiang N., Chen X., Shahria M. Probabilistic seismic fragility and loss analysis of concrete bridge piers with superelastic shape memory alloy-steel coupled reinforcing bars. Engineering Structure, 2020.
Chen X., Li C. Seismic Assessment of Tall Pier Bridges Using Rocking Foundation Retrofitted with Inerter System. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17 WCEE), 2020, Sendai, Japan. (Oral)
Chen, X., Guan, Z., Spencer Jr, B. F., & Li, J. A simplified procedure for estimating nonlinear seismic demand of tall piers. Engineering Structures, 2018, 174, 778-791.
Chen, X., Guan, Z., Li, J., & Spencer Jr, B. F. Shake Table Tests of Tall-Pier Bridges to Evaluate Seismic Performance. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2018, 23(9), 04018058.
Guan, Z., Chen X., & Li J. Experimental investigation of the seismic performance of bridge models with conventional and rocking pile group foundation. Engineering Structures, 2018, 168: 889-902.
Chen, X., Li J. Contributions of High Modes of Tall Piers under Seismic Excitation. IABSE Nantes 2018
Chen, X., Li J., Guan Z. Effects of Higher Modes on Tall Piers. IABSE Guangzhou 2016. (Oral)
陈旭,李建中,刘笑显. 墩身高阶振型对高墩地震反应影响. 同济大学学报: 自然科学版, 2017, 45(2):159-166.
陈旭,李建中. 主塔塔形对独塔斜拉桥主塔横向地震反应影响. 世界地震工程, 2015, 31(001): 240-246.
刘笑显,李建中,陈旭. X 形弹塑性钢挡块对简支梁桥横向地震反应影响. 振动与冲击, 2015, 34(2).
陈旭,李建中. 结构动力分析中Rayleigh阻尼合理取值研究. 结构工程师, 2013, 29(5): 28-33.
版权所有 同济大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系 上海市四平路1239号