发布时间:2020-07-17        浏览次数:5097






       在近20年间致力于桥梁长期服役性能预测、评价及维修加固等方面的理论研究与工程应用。受荷兰交通部科研项目、国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划和973计划、广东省重点领域研发计划、上海市“科技创新行动计划”、上海市高峰学科等20余纵向科研项目持续资助下,在桥梁服役性能演化机理、损伤识别及其维修策略、基于高性能材料的主动加固技术等方面取得多项创新性成果。已发表学术期刊论文150余篇,其中SCI收录论文86篇,ESI高被引论文3篇,论文总引用1356次,H因子为22。出版英文学术专著两部、中文学术专著一部,主编团体标准3部,参编国家标准1部和中国工程建设标准化协会标准(T/CECS)4部;获得复合材料与结构领域国际杰出青年奖暨Prof.Allan J Easteal Memorial Prize,获中国公路学会科学技术特等奖(排名第5)、江苏省科学技术奖一等奖(排名第2)、四川省科学技术奖二等奖(排名第2)和中国建筑金属结构协会科学技术奖一等奖(排名第2)等科技奖项。兼任中国建筑金属结构协会专家委员、中国公路学会理事等。研究成果应用于杭州湾大桥、润扬大桥、苏通大桥、江阴大桥、白沙洲大桥、崇启大桥及朔黄铁路等多座国家级重大桥梁工程。


  1. 桥梁全寿命性能评定及长寿命设计方法研究

  2. 高性能材料(CFRP、SMA)在桥梁检测、修复及加固等领域的应用研究

  3. 桥梁施工智能化与管养智慧化

  4. 混凝土风电塔筒维修加固

  5. 基于“双碳”概念的风机叶片回收与再利用


  1. 国际期刊(SCI期刊源)Structral Engineering International编委;

  2. 国际桥协IABSE-TG3.2:FRP structures学术委员会委员;

  3. 国际高性能钢结构研究委员会HPSSRC组委会委员;

  4. 国际桥梁维护与安全管理委员会IABMAS学术委员;

  5. 中国金属结构协会专家委员;

  6. 中国公路学会养护与管理分会理事;

  7. 中国建筑学会理事;

  8. 上海土木工程学会理事;

  9. 中国知网(CNKI)外文期刊质检专家;

  10. 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,客席研究员、科研合作导师;

  11. 瑞士EMPA应用技术研究所, 科研合作导师;

  12. 《环球科学与工程》期刊编委。


  • 2001年-2005年:大连理工大学土木水利学院土木工程专业,工学学士

  • 2005年-2008年:同济大学土木工程学院结构工程专业(钢结构),工学硕士

  • 2008年-2013年:荷兰代尔夫特理工大学土木工程学院结构工程专业,工学博士


  • 2008年4月-2008年10月:上海世博会世博轴设计联合体,结构工程师

  • 2014年3月至2017年12月:同济大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系钢与组合结构桥梁研究室,助理研究员

  • 2018年1月至今:同济大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系钢与组合结构桥梁研究室,副研究员(博导)

  • 2018年9月至今:同济大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系钢与组合结构桥梁研究室,副教授(博导)


  1. 荷兰交通部资助项目“FRP-钢组合桥系统粘贴节点的力学性能及耐久性研究”,项目负责人;

  2. 广东省重点领域研发计划“现代工程技术”重点专项(2019B111106002),课题:重大跨海通道全寿命周期安全保障关键技术,子课题负责人,2019-2023。

  3. 国家重点研发计划“绿色村镇技术创新”重点专项(2020YFD1100403-3),“地域特色融合的东南传统民居保护利用与提升”,东南产村产镇综合示范项目,子课题负责人,2021-2024。

  4. 国家自然科学基金(51408424):GFRP板材粘贴修复正交异性钢桥板疲劳裂缝的理论与试验研究,项目负责人;

  5. 国家自然科学基金(52278207): 预应力SMA-CFRP组合粘贴修复钢桥板疲劳裂缝的机理研究,项目负责人;

  6. 国家自然科学基金(51578404): BIM辅助设计制造的FRP自由曲面智能幕墙理论与设计方法研究, 项目主要参与人;

  7. 国家自然科学基金(51578406): 拉挤GFRP型材翼缘-腹板结合部受力机理及疲劳性能研究, 项目主要参与人;

  8. 国家自然科学基金(52142804): 基于数物融合的土木智能建造科普研学营, 项目负责人;

  9. 上海市自然科学基金资助项目(21ZR1466100), SMA-CFRP组合贴片修复钢桥疲劳裂缝的理论及方法研究, 项目负责人;

  10. 科技部国家重点研发项目(kz0022020210235):东南传统民居建筑除湿关键技术与加固改造研究(二级课题),项目负责人;

  11. 外省市协作(kz0022020221166):预应力SMA-CFRP加固钢桥疲劳裂纹理论及方法研究,项目负责人;

  12. 外省市协作(kz0022020201153):正交异性钢桥面板高品质焊接接头及抗疲劳开裂关键技术研究,项目负责人;

  13. 外省市协作:山区桥梁钢桥面板疲劳裂缝修复理论与实验研究,项目负责人;

  14. 中央高校预研类项目(kx0022020172706):高弹模预应力CFRP修复正交异性钢桥面板疲劳裂缝的理论和方法研究,项目负责人;

  15. 中央高校科研项目:板粘贴法加固钢桥面疲劳裂缝方法研究,项目负责人;

  16. 中央高校科研项目:正交异性钢桥面板疲劳裂缝新型加固技术研究,项目负责人;

  17. 中央高校科研项目:FRP自由曲面幕墙体系成型机理及设计方法研究,项目负责人;

  18. 重庆市自然科学基金资助项目:基于BIM 技术的高强度铸钢节点找形优化理论及其疲劳性能研究,项目负责人;

  19. 中建八局科研项目:碳纤维复合材料在土木工程领域的应用研究(cscec-2020-z-1),项目负责人;

  20. CSIEZB180205727-多因素耦合作用下朔黄重载铁路桥梁结构安全监测与状态评估研究, 项目负责人;

  21. 山区桥梁与隧道工程国家重点实验室开发基金(CQSLBF-Y15-9),项目负责人;

  22. 同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动项目(2014KJ001),项目负责人;

  23. 2015年入选“同济大学青年英才计划”;

  24. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-学科交叉类项目(0220219105),项目负责人;

  25. 杭州市建委“新型安全超高大跨度脚手架体系”科技项目,项目主要负责人;

  26. 国家重点基础研究发展计(973计划),2013CB036300:特大跨桥梁全寿命灾变控制与性能设计的基础研究,项目主要参与人,2013-2017.

  27. 内蒙古交通科技项目(KZ0022020173497) :内蒙古地区钢混组合桥梁成套技术研究,项目主要参与人,2018-2020。

  28. 吉林省交通运输科技项目(KZ0022020174076) :中小跨径桥梁钢结构应用技术研究,项目主要参与人,2018-2020。

  29. 江西省重大研发专项(20165ABC28001):装配化钢混组合结构桥梁的工业化建造技术研究,项目主要参与人,2018-2021。

  30. 公路桥梁诊治技术交通运输行业研发中心-开发基金:预应力碳纤维布修复正交异性钢桥面板U肋对接焊缝处疲劳裂缝的理论和方法研究,项目负责人,2019-2021。

  31. 同济大学自主原创项目(22120210574):碳纤维-形状记忆合金组合贴片修复钢桥疲劳裂缝的机理研究,项目负责人,2021-2022。

  32. 四川省交通厅,2019-Z2-15, 超大跨径钢桁梁桥施工关键技术, 项目负责人。

  33. 浙江省交通运输厅, 2019017, 公轨两用大跨长联刚性悬索桥关键技术研究。

  34. 同济大学自主原创科研项目(重点项目),02002150263,基于金属增材打印的钢结构点蚀损伤修复,项目负责人。


  1. 2007年,施工企业模板与脚手架应用技术交流会,论文一等奖

  2. 2011年,在the fifth Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction (ACIC2011)国际会议中获得杰出青年学者提名奖;


  4. 2020年,中国公路学会科学技术奖,长寿命高性能钢桥结构体系、设计理论与建造关键技术,排名第5。

  5. 2021年,江苏省科学技术奖一等奖,大跨钢桥疲劳损伤诊断与修复关键技术及应用。排名第2。

  6. 2021年,研究成果入选交通运输重大科技创新成果库。

  7. 2022年,四川省科学技术奖二等奖,复杂环境超大跨径全焊连续钢桁梁桥施工关键技术及应用,排名第2

  8. 2022年,中国公路学会二等奖,复杂环境超大跨径全焊连续钢桁梁施工关键技术及应用,排名第2

  9. 2022年,中国公路学会“桥梁工程创新奖”二等奖,三官堂大桥,排名第8。

  10. 2023年,中国建筑金属结构协会一等奖,基于高性能材料的钢桥疲劳裂缝主动维护关键技术,排名第2

  11. 2023年,上海市交通工程学会科学技术奖二等奖,形状记忆合金用于钢桥面板疲劳裂缝加固成套技术研究与工程应用,排名第4

  12. 2023年,中国公路建设行业协会科学技术一等奖,海洋环境超大跨径全焊接钢桁梁桥施工关键技术,排名第2


  1. 主编中国工程建设标准化协会标准(CECS):《钢结构桥梁疲劳裂缝主动修复技术规程》

  2. 主编中国钢结构协会团体标准《索道钢结构工程检测与评定专项规程》;

  3. 主编中国公路学会团体标准《钢结构桥梁焊接残余应力评价标准》、《在役公路桥梁正交异性钢桥面板裂缝修复技术规程》;

  4. 参编国家标准《铝合金结构技术标准》,主编铝合金人行桥章节;

  5. 参编中国工程建设标准化协会标准(CECS)4部:《钢结构耐久性评定标准》、《城市钢结构桥梁设计标准》、和《抗疲劳正交异性钢桥面板加工技术规程》、《抗疲劳正交异性钢桥面板焊接残余应力检测标准》;

  6. 参编中国公路学会团体标准《公路钢桥裂纹高强螺栓止裂技术指南》。


  1. Xu Jiang. Mechanical Performance and Durability of the Adhesively-bonded Joint between FRP Bridge Deck and Steel Girder. Ridderprint, Netherlands, 2013. (ISBN:978-90-5335-747-7)

  2. Xu Jiang. Moisture-dependent performance of FRP-steel Adhesively-bonded Joints. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2017.(ISBN:978-3-330-34957-5)

  3. 姜旭、夏伟杰. 超大跨径钢桁梁桥施工关键技术.中国建筑工业出版社,2022. (ISBN:978-7-112-27178-8)



  1. Xu Jiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Moisture Diffusion in FRP Adhesively-Bonded Joints under Hot/Wet Environment. Advances in FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, 2010, 360-363. (SCI收录)

  2. Xu Jiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Moisture Diffusion and Hygrothermal Aging in Pultruded Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites of Bridge decks. Materials & Design, 2012, 37: 304-312. (SCI收录)

  3. Xu Jiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Moisture diffusion in glass-fiber-reinforced polymer composite bridge under hot/wet environment. Composites Part B-Engineering, 2013, 45: 407-416. (SCI收录)

  4. Xu Jiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Study on mechanical behaviors of FRP-to-steel adhesively-bonded joint under tensile loading. Composite Structures, 2013, 98: 192- 201. (SCI收录)

  5. Xu Jiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Xuhong Qiang. Effects of hygrothermal aging on glass-fibre reinforced polymer laminates and adhesive of FRP composite bridge: Moisture diffusion characteristics. Composite Part A-Appled Science and Manufacturing, 2014,57:49-58. (SCI收录)

  6. Xu Jiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Experimental and Numerical Study on Mechanical Behavior of an Adhesively-bonded joint of FRP-steel Composite Bridge under Shear Loading. Composite Structures, 2014, 108: 387-399. (SCI收录)

  7. Xu Jiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard,Xuhong Qiang. Experimental investigation on mechanical behaviour of FRP-to-steel adhesively-bonded joint under combined loading-part 1:before hygrothermal aging. Composite Structures, 2015, 125: 672–686. (SCI收录)

  8. Xu Jiang, Xuhong Qiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Experimental investigation on mechanical behaviour of FRP-to-steel adhesively-bonded joint under combined loading-part 2:after hygrothermal aging. Composite Structures, 2015, 125: 687–697. (SCI收录)

  9. Xuhong Qiang, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Henk Kolstein, Xu Jiang*. Behaviour of beam-to-column high strength steel endplate connections under fire conditions – Part 1: Experimental study. Engineering Structures, 2014, 64: 23-38. (SCI收录)

  10. Xuhong Qiang, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Henk Kolstein, Xu Jiang*. Behaviour of beam-to-column high strength steel endplate connections under fire conditions – Part 2: Numerical study. Engineering Structures, 2014, 64: 39-51. (SCI收录)

  11. Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Henk Kolstein. Post-fire behaviour of beam-to-column high strength steel endplate connections – Part 1: Experimental study. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2015, 108: 82-93. (SCI收录)

  12. Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Henk Kolstein. Post-fire behavior of beam-to-column high strength steel endplate connections – Part 2: Numerical study. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2015, 108: 94-102. (SCI收录)

  13. Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Henk Kolstein, Yongfeng Luo. Post-fire behaviour of high strength steel endplate connections - Part 1: Experimental study(Article)[J].Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2015,Vol.108: 82-93. (SCI收录)

  14. Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Henk Kolstein, Yongfeng Luo. Post-fire behaviour of high strength steel endplate connections - Part 2: Numerical study(Article)[J].Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2015,Vol.108: 94-102. (SCI收录)

  15. Xu Jiang, Xuhong Qiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Analysis on Adhesively-Bonded Joints of FRP-steel Composite Bridge under Combined Loading: Arcan Test Study and Numerical Modeling. POLYMERS, 2016, 8(1):18. (SCI收录)

  16. Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Henk Kolstein. Mechanical properties and design recommendations of very high strength steel S960 in fire. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, 2016,112:60-70. (SCI收录)

  17. Xu Jiang, Jie Song, Xuhong Qiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Moisture Absorption/Desorption Effects on Flexural Property of Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Laminates: Three-Point Bending Test and Coupled Hygro-Mechanical Finite Element Analysis. Polymers 2016, 8(8), 290. (SCI收录)

  18. Chong Wu, Yuan Yuan, Xu Jiang*. Fatigue Behavior Assessment Method of the Orthotropic Steel Deck for a Self-anchored Suspension Railway Bridge. Procedia Engineering, 2016, 161, 91–96. (EI收录)

  19. Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Henk Kolstein. Performance assessment on high strength steel endplate connections in fire. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL FIRE ENGINEERING, 2016, 7(2):168-78. (SCI收录)

  20. Xu Jiang, Yuan Yuan, Chong Wu, Chengwei Luo. Fatigue Life Assessment of Orthotropic Steel Deck with UHPC Pavement. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, 2017, 8413607. (SCI收录)

  21. Xu Jiang, Chengwei Luo, Xuhong Qiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Effects of Adhesive Connection on Composite Action between FRP Bridge Deck and Steel Girder, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, 2017, 6218949. (SCI收录)

  22. Xu Jiang, Qingtian Su, Xu Han, Changyu Shao, Liang Chen. Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis on Mechanical Behavior of T-shape Stiffened Orthotropic Steel-concrete Composite Bridge Decks. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2017, 17(3):893-907. (SCI收录)

  23. Yiou Shen, Bing Jiang, Yan Li, Xu Jiang. Low velocity impact response and energy absorption behavior on glass fibre reinforced epoxy composites. SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2017, 60(9): 1339-1346. (SCI收录)

  24. Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Frans S.K. Bijlaard, Henk Kolstein. Performance assessment on high strength steel endplate connections after fire. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL FIRE ENGINEERING, 2017, 8(2):202-214. (SCI收录)

  25. Yuchao Zhao, Xu Jiang, Qilin Zhang, Qi Wang. Numerical Simulation of Thermal Performance of Glass-Fibre-Reinforced Polymer. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 245:022016.

  26. Xuhong Qiang, Nianduo Wu, Yongfeng Luo, Xu Jiang*, Frans Bijlaard.  Experimental and Theoretical Study on High Strength Steel Extended Endplate Connections After Fire,International Journal of Steel Structures, 2018, 18(2):609-634. (SCI收录)

  27. Xuhong Qiang, Nianduo Wu, Yongfeng Luo, Xu Jiang*, Frans Bijlaard. Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Full High Strength Steel Extended Endplate Connections in Fire, International Journal of Steel Structures, 2018, 18(4): 1350-1362. (SCI收录)

  28. Xu Jiang, Chengwei Luo, Xuhong Qiang, Qilin Zhang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Coupled Hygro-Mechanical Finite Element Method on Determination of the Interlaminar Shear Modulus of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminates in Bridge Decks under Hygrothermal Aging Effects. Polymers, 2018, 10(8), 845. (SCI收录)

  29. Chao Jiang, Chong Wu, Xu Jiang*. Experimental study on fatigue performance of corroded high-strength steel wires used in bridges, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 187:681-690. (SCI收录)

  30. Yuan Yuan, Chong Wu, Xu Jiang*. Experimental study on the fatigue behavior of the orthotropic steel deck rehabilitated by UHPC overlay, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019, 157: 1-9. (SCI收录)

  31. Qingtian SU, Changyuan DAI, Xu JIANG*, Bending performance of composite bridge deck with T-shaped ribs, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 990-997 (SCI收录).

  32. Yuchao Zhao, Xu Jiang, Qilin Zhang, Xuhong Qiang, Simplified Material Solution for Orthotropic Symmetrical GFRP Laminates for Structural Facades, Advances in Civil Engineering. 2019. (SCI收录)

  33. Xuhong Qiang,Yifei Shen,Xu Jiang, Frans S.K. Bijlaard. Theoretical study on initial stiffness of thin-walled steel T-stubs taking account of prying force. THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES,2020,155.(SCI收录)

  34. Chao Jiang, Chong Wu, Cai, C. S. Xu Jiang,Wen Xiong. Corrosion fatigue analysis of stay cables under combined loads of random traffic and wind. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, 2020, 206:1-10(SCI收录)

  35. Xu Jiang, Zhilin Lv, Xuhong Qiang,Jiandong Zhang. Improvement of stop-hole method on fatigue-cracked steel plates by using high strength bolts and CFRP strips, Advances in Civil Engineering. 2021. (SCI收录)

  36. Yuchao Zhao, Xu Jiang, Qilin Zhang, Xuhong Qiang. Design, fabrication, and construction of a freeform GFRP façade, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING, 2021,1-19. (SCI收录)

  37. Sizhe Wang, Qingtian Su, Xu Jiang*, Elyas Ghafoori, Stability of steel columns with bolted strengthening under preload: Experimental study, JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH, 2022,190:1-21. (SCI收录)

  38. Xinyi He, Qingtian Su, Xu Jiang*,Chong Wu. Experimental study on mechanical behavior of orthotropic steel deck with adhesively bonded rigid pavement. ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, 2022, (SCI收录)

  39. Xuhong Qiang, Yue Shu, Xu Jiang*. Experimental and numerical study on high-strength steel flange-welded web-bolted connections under fire conditions. JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH, 2022,published online. (SCI收录)

  40. Hang Su, Xu Jiang, Qingtian Su, Joan R. Casas. Application of Partial Shear Connection in Steel-concrete Continuous Composite Girder. Structural Engineering International, 2022, published online. (SCI收录)

  41. Zhilin LV, Xu Jiang, Xuhong Qiang, Jie Bai, Jie Liu. Strengthening feasibility of damaged steel plates repaired by self-stressing SMA-CFRP overlays. Structural Engineering International, 2022. (SCI收录)

  42. Sizhe Wang, Qingtian Su, Xu Jiang*, Elyas Ghafoori, Stability of steel columns strengthened under preload: Numerical study with experimental validation. JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH, 2022. (SCI收录)

  43. Kaidong Wu, Xuhong Qiang, Xing Zhe,Xu Jiang. Buckling in prestressed stayed beam-columns and intelligent evaluation.Engineering Structures,2022: 255  113902. (SCI收录)

  44. Xuhong Qiang, Longlong Chen, Xu Jiang*. Achievements and Perspectives on Fe-Based Shape Memory Alloys for Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Bridges: An Overview. MATERIALS, 2022:15(22). (SCI收录)

  45. Xu Jiang,Kai Sun, Xuhong Qiang, Dan Li & Qiwei Zhang. XFEM-based Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis on Key Welded Connections of Orthotropic Steel Bridge Deck.International Journal of Steel Structures,2022,12. (SCI收录)

  46. Xuhong Qiang, Yue Shu, Xu Jiang*. Mechanical behaviour of high strength steel T-stubs at elevated temperatures: Experimental study. THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES,2023, 110314. (SCI收录)

  47. Xuhong Qiang, Longlong Chen, Xu Jiang*. Experimental and theoretical study on flexural behavior of steel-concrete composite beams strengthened by CFRP plates with unbonded retrofit systems. Composite Structures, 2023, 309:116763, (SCI收录)

  48. Cheng Tan,Xu Jiang,Xuhong Qiang,Guowen Xu. Flexural strengthening of full-scale RC columns with Adhesively-bonded longitudinal CFRP plates: An experimental investigation, Journal of Building Engineering,2023,67: 105969,(SCI收录)

  49. Sizhe Wang, Qingtian Su, Xu Jiang*, Elyas Ghafoori. Strengthening of steel beams with adhesively bonded memory-steel strip,THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES,2023, 110514.(SCI收录)

  50. Kai Sun, Xu Jiang, Xuhong Qiang, Zhilin Lv, Chuanbin Fan.Equivalent Vehicle Model Based on Traffic Flow of Long-Span Steel Box Girder Bridge[J].Journal of Bridge Engineering,2023,Vol.28(9).(SCI收录)

  51. Zhilin Lv, Xu Jiang, Xuhong Qiang, Mukai Zhou. Equivalent fatigue vehicle load model of steel box girder in cable-stayed bridges[J].Journal of Central South University, 54(6), 2197–2208.(EI收录)

  52. Xuhong Qiang, Yapeng Wu, Yuhan Wang, Xu Jiang*. Novel crack repair method of steel bridge diaphragm employing Fe-SMA[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023, 292: 116548.(SCI收录)

  53. Xu Jiang, Zhilin Lv, Xuhong Qiang, Shenyou Song. Fatigue performance improvement of U-rib butt-welded connections of steel bridge decks using externally bonded CFRP strips[J].Thin-Walled Structures,2023,Vol.191: 111017.(SCI收录)

  54. Xuhong Qiang, Yue Shu, Xu Jiang*. Mechanical behaviour of high strength steel T-stubs at elevated temperatures: Experimental study[J].Thin-Walled Structures,2023,Vol.182.(SCI收录)

  55. Xuhong Qiang, Yuhan Wang, Yapeng Wu, Xu Jiang*, Hao Dong. Experimental and numerical study on cracked steel bridge diaphragm reinforced with bonding Fe-SMA plate[J].Thin-Walled Structures,2023,Vol.191: 111075.(SCI收录)

  56. Xuhong Qiang, Yapeng Wu, Xu Jiang*, Guowen Xu. Fatigue performance of cracked diaphragm cutouts in steel bridge reinforced employing CFRP/SMA[J].Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2023,Vol.211: 108136.(SCI收录)

  57. Xuhong Qiang, Zhiyi Zhang, Xu Jiang*, Meng Wang. Study on initial stiffness of high strength steel T-stubs considering bending stiffness of bolts[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 76: 107273.(EI收录)

  58. Xuhong Qiang, Longlong Chen, Xu Jiang*, Hao Dong. Experimental study on anchorage and activation performance of Fe-SMA strips for structural reinforcements[J].Construction and Building Materials,2023,Vol.401: 132961.(SCI收录)

  59. Xuhong Qiang, Yuhang Lu, Meng Wang, Xu Jiang*. Numerical and Theoretical Study on High-temperatures Mechanical Property of High-strength Steel T-stubs under Tension-shear Combined Loadings[J].Journal of Hunan University,2023,50(07):57-67.(EI收录)

  60. Sizhe Wang, Lingzhen Li, Qingtian Su, Xu Jiang*, Elyas Ghafoori. Strengthening of steel beams with adhesively bonded memory-steel strips[J].Thin-Walled Structures,2023,Vol.189: 110901.(SCI收录)

  61. Xu Jiang, Hao Qi, Xuhong Qiang, Bosen Zhao, Hao Dong. A Convolutional Neural Network-Based Corrosion Damage Determination Method for Localized Random Pitting Steel Columns[J].Applied Sciences,2023,Vol.13: 8883.(SCI收录)

  62. Xuhong Qiang, Yapeng Wu, Yuhan Wang, Xu Jiang*. Research Progress and Applications of Fe-Mn-Si-Based Shape Memory Alloys on Reinforcing Steel and Concrete Brdiges[J].Applied Sciences,2023,Vol.13(3404): 3404.(SCI收录)

  63. Xu Jiang, Zhilin Lv, Xuhong Qiang, Zhimin Xu. Fatigue performance of root-to-throat cracks repaired by bonding steel: experimental and numerical investigations[J].Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2024,Vol.212: 108296.(SCI收录)

  64. Xu Jiang, Daqian Cao, Xuhong Qiang, Chunli Xu. Study on fatigue performance of steel bridge welded joints considering initial defects[J].Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2024,Vol.212: 108309.(SCI收录)

  65. Xuhong Qiang, Xinran Duan, Xu Jiang*, Qiang Lu, Guangqing Zhou. Experimental study on mechanical properties of bolted joints between Fe-SMA and steel plates[J].Engineering Structures,2023,Vol.297: 116980.(SCI收录)

  66. Xuhong Qiang, Yue Shu, Xu Jiang*. Nonlinear analysis on mechanical behaviour of high strength steel extended endplate connections and equivalent T-stubs in fire considering axial force[J].Case Studies in Construction Materials,2023,Vol.19: e02402.(SCI收录)

  67. Xuhong Qiang, Yapeng Wu, Xu Jiang*, Guowen Xu. Fatigue performance of cracked diaphragm cutouts in steel bridge reinforced employing CFRP/SMA[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, Vol. 211:108136.(SCI收录)

  68. Xuhong Qiang, Kaihao Wang, Xu Jiang*, Yi Xiao, E Yibo. Effect of Fireproof Coatings on the Post-Fire Behavior of CFRP Composite Sheets[J].APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2023,Vol.13(18).(SCI收录)

  69. Xu Jiang, Cheng Tan, Xuhong Qiang, Song Han, Andi Shen. An innovative circular anchor system for CFRP plates: Experimental investigation and field application[J].Case Studies in Construction Materials,2023,Vol.19: e02678.(SCI收录)

  70. Yue She, Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Yi Xiao, Dong, Hao Dong. Long-term performance of single-lap joints: Review, challenges and prospects in civil engineering[J].ENGINEERING REPORTS, 2023.(SCI收录)

  71. Longlong Chen, Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, et al. Numerical study of steel-concrete composite beams strengthened by CFRP plates with prestressed unbonded reinforcement system[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 157.(SCI收录)

  72. Xuhong Qiang, Yuhan Wang, Yapeng Wu, Ping Jin, Xu Jiang*. Constitutive model and activation recovery performance of Fe-SMA: Experimental and theoretical study. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 420: 135537.(SCI收录)

  73. Yapeng Wu, Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, XianhongMeng, YongkangTang. Experimental study on bonding properties of Fe-SMA-to-steel bonded interface. Engineering Structures, 2024, 306: 117779.(SCI收录)

  74. Xuhong Qiang, Qian Liu, Longlong Chen, Xu Jiang*, Hao Dong. Experimental study on flexural performance of prestressed concrete beams strengthened by Fe-SMA plates. Construction and building materials, 2024, 422: 135797. (SCI收录)

  75. Xuhong Qiang, Yue Shu, Xu Jiang*, Shiyou Zhang. Theoretical study and design recommendations on load-carrying capacity of Fe-SMA-to-steel bolted joints, Journal of Construction Steel Research 217 (2024) 108665.(SCI收录)

  76. Longlong Chen, Xuhong Qiang, Peiyu Sun, Shiyou Zhang, Xu Jiang*. Experimental and theoretical study on flexural behavior of prestressed concrete beams strengthened by CFRP tendons with external unbonded retrofit system, Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 89: 109301.(SCI收录)

  77. Xuhong Qiang, Zhiyi Zhang, Delin Zhang,Hao Dong, Xu Jiang*. Post-Fire Performance of Iron-based Shape Memory Alloy: Experimental Study, Prediction Equations and Constitutive Models, Structures, 2024, 64: 106552.(SCI收录)

  78. Xu Jiang, Daqian Cao, Xuhong Qiang, Sheng Xu.XFEM based study on fatigue performance of rib-to-diaphragm welded joints considering initial defects[J].Engineering Failure Analysis,2024,Vol.161: 108268.(SCI收录)

  79. Yue Shu, Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Yuepeng Li. Experimental and theoretical study on mechanical performance of Fe-SMA/steel single lap joints[J].Thin-Walled Structures,2024,Vol.199: 111824.(SCI收录)

  80. Xuhong Qiang, Yue Shu, Xu Jiang*, Meng Wang, Ji Guo. Theoretical investigation and design recommendations for the initial stiffness of Fe-SMA/steel bolted joints in shear[J].Engineering Failure Analysis,2024,Vol.158: 108013.(SCI收录)

  81. Yue Shu, Xuhong Qiang, Xu Jiang*, Fei Wang. Durability of Fe-SMA/steel single-lap joints exposed to hygrothermal environments, Construction and Building Materials 435 (2024) 136861.(SCI收录)

  82. Sizhe Wang, Qingtian Su, Xu Jiang*, Julien Michels, Elyas Ghafoori. Fully bonded iron-based shape memory alloy for retrofitting large-scale bridge girders: Thermal and mechanical behavior. Structures. 2024;65:106710.(SCI收录)

  83. Sizhe Wang, Qingtian Su, Xu Jiang*, Lingzhen Li, Masoud Motavalli, Elyas Ghafoori. Self-prestressing bonded patches using Fe-SMA and CFRP for lifetime extension of fatigue-cracked steel details, Constr. Build. Mater. 443 (2024) 137690.(SCI收录)

  84. Cheng, Tan, Xu Jiang, Xuhong Qiang, Mingxin Fan. Flexural Performance of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Prestressed Spun High-Strength Concrete Pile. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 7170. (SCI收录)

  85. Zhilin Lyu, Xu Jiang, Xuhong Qiang, Zhimin Xu, Jinquan Wang. On-site Fe-SMA strengthening of floorbeam cutout cracks in steel bridge deck, Engineering Structures, 2024, 316: 118607.(SCI收录)

  86. Xuhong Qiang, Yuhan Wang, Xu Jiang*, Mukai Zhou, Hao Dong, Investigation on activation performance of adhesive bonding connection between Fe-SMA and steel plates, Construction and Building Materials, 442(2024)137604.(SCI收录)

  87. 姜旭,张其林,顾明剑,王洪军. 新型插盘式脚手架的试验和数值模型研究.土木工程学报,2008, 41(7):55-60. (EI收录)

  88. 张其林,季俊,王洪军,姜旭,黄政华. 某观光塔铸钢节点试验研究与数值分析. 工业建筑,2009,S1.

  89. 叶志燕,张其林,姜旭. 新型插盘式脚手架的计算理论与设计公式. 特种结构,2008,25(4):99-103.

  90. 苏庆田,韩旭,姜旭, 邵长宇,陈亮,U形肋正交异性组合桥面板力学性能,哈尔滨工业大学学报,2016,(09):14~19.(EI收录)

  91. 强旭红,武念铎,姜旭,罗永峰,超高强钢S960火灾后力学性能试验研究,同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016,(07):1076~1083. (EI收录)

  92. 强旭红,吴钟艳,姜旭,罗永峰,高强结构钢S690高温力学性能,同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016,(05):685~694. (EI收录)

  93. 苏庆田,杜霄,李晨翔,姜旭,钢与混凝土界面的基本物理参数测试,同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016,(04):499~506.(EI收录)

  94. 苏庆田,薛智波, 李晨翔,姜旭,组合梁钢与混凝土界面连接效应的精细化计算, 同济大学学报, 2016, (12):1803-1809 (EI收录)

  95. 强旭红, 武念铎,姜旭,罗永峰. 高强钢S460和S690火灾后力学性能试验, 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2017, (2): 130-138.(EI收录)

  96. 强旭红,任楚超,刘冰,姜旭,宋杰. 火灾下高强钢端板连接节点力学性能有限元分析, 同济大学学报, 2017, (9):1273-1283 (EI收录)

  97. 苏庆田,薛智波,韩旭,姜旭. 开口U形肋组合桥面板基本力学性能, 同济大学学报, 2017, (5): 651-657 . (EI收录)

  98. 强旭红,任楚超,姜旭,黄震. 高强平齐式端板连接火灾下性能试验, 同济大学学报, 2017, (5): 673-683. (EI收录)

  99. 袁远,吴冲,姜旭.基于线性累积损伤准则讨论钢桥面板顶板厚度, 武汉理工大学学报.2017,(09): 44-50. (中文核心期刊收录)

  100. 吴冲,袁远,姜旭. 正交异性钢桥面板闭口加劲肋对接焊缝疲劳性能评价, 同济大学学报, 2018, (4): 436-443. (EI收录)

  101. 王琦,姜旭,张其林,赵宇超. GFRP板材热性能分析,佳木斯大学学报, 2018,  (2): 169-172.

  102. 武念铎,罗永峰,强旭红, 刘晓,姜旭. 高强钢外伸式端板节点火灾性能试验与数值分析, 东南大学学报,2018,(1): 138-145. (EI收录)

  103. 强旭红, 武念铎, 罗永峰, 姜旭. 高强钢梁柱外伸式端板节点常温与火灾后性能参数分析, 湖南大学学报,2018, (05): 62-75.(EI收录)

  104. 强旭红, 武念铎, 罗永峰, 刘晓,姜旭. 高强钢外伸式端板节点性能试验与有限元分析, 湖南大学学报,2018, (07): 1-9. (EI收录)

  105. 强旭红, 毋凯冬, 姜旭, 罗永峰. 高强钢S460高温力学性能研究与抗火设计建议, 湖南大学学报,2018, (11): 37-45. (EI收录)

  106. 蒋超,吴冲,姜旭. 桥梁缆索高强钢丝均匀腐蚀及点蚀的规律, 同济大学学报, 2019, (1): 1615-1621. (EI收录)

  107. 蒋超,吴冲,姜旭. 预腐蚀桥梁缆索高强钢丝疲劳试验, 同济大学学报, 2018, (12): 1622-1627+169. (EI收录)

  108. 刘华超,徐薇,吕志林,姜旭.预制拼装挡水堰板结构有限元分析与优化设计.城市道桥与防洪,2019(07):184-186+204+23.

  109. 魏鹏飞,吕志林,姜旭.三官堂超大跨径钢桁梁桥施工关键技术.施工技术,2019,48(11):6-11+15.(中文核心期刊收录)

  110. 张其林,赵宇超,姜旭,强旭红.全玻璃纤维复材自由曲面外立面建筑的结构设计, 工业建筑.2019,49(09):178-183. (中文核心期刊收录)

  111. 赵宇超,姜旭,张其林,强旭红,王琦.福州某商业广场GFRP自由曲面结构设计与施工, 施工技术.2019,48(14):121-125. (中文核心期刊收录)

  112. 强旭红,石志伟,何旭,姜旭.高强钢平齐式端板连接节点火灾后性能数值研究, 同济大学学报(自然科学版).2019,47(04):482-490.(EI收录)

  113. 强旭红,石志伟,赵国栋,姜旭,宋杰.高强钢平齐式端板连接节点火灾后力学性能试验研究,湖南大学学报(自然科学版).2019,46(01): 9-21.(EI收录)

  114. 强旭红,张至毅,姜旭,刘晓,任楚超.火灾下超高强钢S960力学性能与抗火设计建议, 同济大学学报(自然科学版).2020,48(05):673-682.(EI收录)

  115. 强旭红,陈欢,姜旭,席永慧,陈武龙.高强钢端板连接节点弯矩-转角曲线数学模型, 同济大学学报(自然科学版).2020,48(04):471-480.(EI收录)

  116. 周泽,魏鹏飞,孙凯,姜旭.超大跨度连续钢桁梁桥主桁上弦杆对接焊缝残余应力研究,施工技术, 2020, 49(21):106-109(中文核心期刊收录)

  117. 陈杰,陈方尧,张欢,姜旭.阜阳颍柳路泉河桥主桥钢箱梁安装施工分析,建筑钢结构进展.2020,22(05):133-140. (中文核心期刊收录)

  118. 夏伟杰,魏鹏飞,陈方尧,姜旭.钢桁梁悬臂施工桥面系连接时机研究,施工技术.2020,49(06):67-70.(中文核心期刊收录)

  119. 张冠华,李文全,姜旭.中小跨径双主梁形式钢板组合梁截面优化设计,科学技术与工程.2020,20(03): 1191-1196. (中文核心期刊收录)

  120. 贺欣怡,苏庆田,,曾明辉,俞文生.环氧胶粘结刚性铺装的正交异性桥面板力学性能,哈尔滨工业大学学报.2020,52(09):25-31.(EI收录)

  121. 向文凤,易岳林,姜旭.某PK组合箱梁结构腹板与横梁连接的疲劳性能分析,上海公路.2020,(02): 54-58+128.

  122. 刘杰,吕志林,姜旭,魏鹏飞.宁波三官堂大桥主桥钢梁中跨合龙施工技术.中外公路,2020,40(06):170-173.(中文核心期刊收录)

  123. 姜旭,吕志林,强旭红,罗程巍,张建东. 高强螺栓止裂法修复含裂纹钢板疲劳受力性能, 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2021,49(4):476-486.(EI收录)

  124. 姜旭,周牧楷,强旭红,董浩.吸水/失水对GFRP层压板弯曲性能的影响. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2021,53,10(149-155)。(EI收录)

  125. 吕志林, 姜旭, 强旭红,孙凯,董浩.基于自应力SMA加固损伤钢结构的可行性研究,工业建筑,2022,52(06):174-182。(中文核心期刊收录)

  126. 吕志林, 姜旭, 强旭红, 王潇健. 正交异性钢桥面板横隔板局部模型疲劳试验研究.结构工程师, 2021,37,6:163-171(中文核心期刊收录)

  127. 姜旭,孙凯,强旭红,白洁.拉剪组合荷载下FRP-钢胶接连接力学性能研究,湖南大学学报,2022,(EI收录)

  128. 强旭红,武亚鹏,姜旭. 铁基形状记忆合金力学性能和激活回复性能试验研究.同济大学学报 (已录用待刊)

  129. 吕志林,姜旭,强旭红.钢桥板疲劳裂纹修复进展及SMA贴片法初探[J].科学技术与工程,已录用.(中文核心期刊)

  130. 罗程巍,姜旭,强旭红,吕志林. 正交异性钢桥面板疲劳裂缝的维修加固方法综述,建筑结构,2022-12-15,(中文核心期刊)

  131. 强旭红,舒悦,姜旭,董浩. 火灾下高强钢栓焊连接节点力学性能数值研究, 同济大学学报,2022:50(11), (EI收录)

  132. 强旭红,舒悦,姜旭,王飞. 火灾下高强钢栓焊连接节点力学性能试验研究, 同济大学学报,2022:50(10), (EI收录)

  133. 强旭红,卢强,姜旭,陈武龙. 常温与高温下高强钢T型连接受拉性能试验, 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2022: 2022-08-09, (EI收录)

  134. 强旭红,陈龙龙,姜旭.张弦式预应力CFRP板加固钢-混凝土组合梁的抗弯试验, 复合材料学报. 2022,39(11), (EI收录)

  135. 强旭红,赵波森,姜旭,徐晗.高性能钢梁的整体稳定性,同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2022,50(05),(EI收录)

  136. 吕志林,,强旭红,罗程巍,张建东.高弹模CFRP粘贴法修复钢桥板疲劳裂纹.建筑钢结构进展,2022, 24(05). (中文核心期刊)

  137. 李丹,张启伟,姜旭.钢桥面板纵肋-顶板焊缝细节疲劳裂纹的应力强度因子分析,城市道桥与防洪.2021(07).

  138. 姜旭,吕志林,强旭红.粘贴角形钢板加固顶板-U肋焊喉疲劳裂纹试验, 同济大学学报(自然科学版).2023,网络首发.(EI收录)

  139. 吕志林,姜旭,杨燕等.碳纤维加固钢桥面板U肋对接焊缝疲劳试验[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版),2023,51(08):1220-1230.(EI收录)

  140. 强旭红,武亚鹏,姜旭.铁基形状记忆合金力学性能和激活回复性能研究[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版),2023,51(05):718-727.(EI收录)

  141. 吕志林,姜旭,强旭红.钢桥板疲劳裂纹修复进展及合金贴片法研究[J].科学技术与工程,2023,23(06):2242-2251.(中文核心期刊)

  142. 徐晗,徐山山,姜旭等.亚运会公望大桥重型机械上桥施工关键技术[J].中外公路,2022,42(01):138-141.(中文核心期刊)

  143. 闵玉,刘杰,陈方尧,姜旭.三官堂大桥合龙段临时锁定温度影响研究[J].城市道桥与防洪,2022,(08):45-48+13.(中文核心期刊)

  144. 罗程巍,钟振华,朱勇骏,姜旭.公轨两用大跨长联刚性悬索加劲钢桁梁桥施工技术[J].施工技术(中英文),2022,51(17):90-93.(中文核心期刊)

  145. 吕志林,姜旭,强旭红等.基于自应力形状记忆合金加固损伤钢结构的可行性研究[J].工业建筑,2022,52(06):174-182.(中文核心期刊)

  146. 强旭红,武亚鹏,姜旭,罗永峰. 铁基形状记忆合金加固钢梁和混凝土梁的加固机理与研究进展.结构工程师.2023,39(06).(中文核心期刊)

  147. 吕志林,姜旭,强旭红,周牧楷. 钢箱梁斜拉桥等效疲劳车辆荷载模型分析, 中南大学学报(自然科学版).2023,54(06).(EI收录)

  148. 强旭红,武亚鹏,姜旭,林志平. 基于CFRP布和SMA/CFRP组合贴片的桥梁横隔板疲劳裂纹修复方法, 交通运输工程学报,2024.(EI收录)

  149. 强旭红,张至毅,张猛,姜旭.轮辐式索承网格屋盖钢结构单道胎架施工技术[J/OL].建筑钢结构进展.(中文核心期刊)

  150. 强旭红,武亚鹏,姜旭,等. 基于CFRP布和SMA/CFRP组合贴片的桥梁横隔板疲劳裂纹修复方法[J]. 交通运输工程学报,2024,24(1): 171-184.(EI收录)

  151. 姜旭, 吕志林, 强旭红, 等. 钢桥面板U肋嵌补段对接焊缝疲劳开裂特性[J]. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 52(5): 92-100.(EI收录)

  152. 强旭红,武亚鹏,姜旭,等. 基于CFRP和SMA修复钢桥横隔板疲劳裂纹的方法研究与应用[J]. 建筑结构学报学报,2024,45(8): 129-140.(EI收录)

  153. 强旭红,陈岩松,姜旭,谭成. CFRP板纵向加固RC柱在水平低周循环荷载下的力学性能研究与应用[J]. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 51(7),2024076.(EI收录)

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