合作导师:刘玉擎 教授
2012.09-2016.07 同济大学土木工程学院,本科生
2016.09-2022.06 同济大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系,博士研究生
2019.09-2021.09 美国德州大学奥斯汀分校,国家公派联合培养博士研究生
2018.12-2021.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金,考虑纤维弯曲缺陷拉挤GFRP 桥面层合板破坏机理多尺度数值模拟,参与
[1]LIANG C, LIU Y, CHEN S, et al. Study on the threshold interfacial shear stiffness of simply supported composite girders[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 268: 114736.
[2]LIANG C, REICHENBACH M C, HELWIG T A, et al. Effects of Shear on the Elastic Lateral Torsional Buckling of Doubly Symmetric I-Beams[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2022, 148(3): 04021301.
[3]LIANG C, LIU Y, LIU Y. An orthogonal component method for steel girder-concrete abutment connections in integral abutment bridges[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021, 180: 106604.
[4]LIANG C, LIU Y, ZHAO C, et al. An investigation on the bearing capacity of steel girder-concrete abutment joints[J]. Steel and Composite Structures, 2021, 38(3): 319-336.
[5]LIANG C, LIU Y, YANG F. Flexural strengths of steel girder-concrete abutment connections incorporating the effect of perfobond connectors[J]. Engineering Structures, 2020, 214: 110611.
[6]LIANG C, LIU Y, ZHAO C, et al. Experimental and numerical study on an innovative girder-abutment joint in composite bridges with integral abutments[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 186: 709-730.
[7]YANG F, LIU Y, LIANG C. Analytical study on the tensile stiffness of headed stud connectors[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019, 22(5): 1149-1160.
版权所有 同济大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系 上海市四平路1239号