发布时间:2020-07-17        浏览次数:1231








2010.06--2015.05  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  结构工程 博士生  导师:徐幼麟 讲座教授
2000.09--2003.06  兰州交通大学                                           桥梁工程 硕士生     
1993.09--1997.07  长安大学                                                  桥梁工程 本科生



2018.03--2019.04   加州大学伯克利分校 PEER                        访问学者              合作导师: Prof. KM Mosalam

2015.08--               同济大学                                                      助理研究员   
2016.12--2017.02  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   博士后研究员
2016.07--2016.10  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   高级副研究员
2009.01--2010.05  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   助理研究员
2003.08--2009.01  同济大学建筑设计研究院                              桥梁工程师
1997.08--2000.06  山东交通学院                                                助教





1. 具有分级防护的可恢复功能桥梁结构体系研究 (51978513),2020.01.01-2023.12.31, 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目

2. 考虑减隔振装置非线性行为的无砟轨道桥梁噪声预测与控制(51878501), 2019.01.01-2022.12.31,参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目

3. 强台风荷载作用下输电塔线体系损伤和倒塌机理研究,(51678463), 2017.01.01-2020.12.31,参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目。
4. 现役桥梁结构再生的减、隔震加固理论与试验研究,(16PJ1409600), 2016.07.01-2018.6.30,主持,上海市科学技术委员会。
5. Development of Structural Health Prognosis Tools for Evaluation of Stonecutters Bridge under In-Service Conditions. (2009-2016, Hong Kong Highways Department, Hong Kong),主要参与人。
6. Niche Area Program in Performance-Based Health Monitoring of Large Civil Engineering Structures (2007-2012, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong),主要参与人。
7. Establishment of Bridge Rating System for Tsing Ma Bridge, 2005-2009, Hong Kong Highways Department, Hong Kong, (Hong Kong Highways Department, Hong Kong),主要参与人。
8. Use of Structural Health Monitoring for The Seismic Collapse Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures (2017-2019, Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Hong Kong), 主要参与人。










Journal Papers in English

1. Y Zheng, YL Xu*, Q Gu. Nonlinear model updating of a reinforced concrete pedestrian cable‐stayed bridge. Struct Control Health Monit. 2019; e2487. https://doi.org/10.1002/stc.2487. (JCR 1区)

2. Y Zheng Dong, B Chen* and GA Anwar. Seismic damage mitigation of bridges with self-adaptive SMA-cable-based bearings, Smart Structures and Systems, 2019, 24 (1): 127-139. (JCR 1区)

3. Y Zheng, YL Xu*, and S Zhan. Seismic responses and collapse of a RC pedestrian cable-stayed bridge: shake table tests, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019, 19 (7): 1950067. (JCR 2区)

4. Y Zheng and Y Dong*. Performance‑based assessment of bridges with steel‑SMA reinforced piers in a life‑cycle context by numerical approach, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 17 (3): 1667-1888. (JCR 2区).

5. Cheng Fang, Yue Zheng*, Junbai Chen, Michael C H Yam, Wei Wang. Superelastic NiTi SMA cables: thermal-mechanical behavior, hysteretic modelling and seismic application, Engineering Structures, 2019, 183: 533-549. (JCR 1区)

6. Bo Chen*, Deng Yang, Yue Zheng, Ke Feng and Yiqin Ouyang. Response control of a high-rise television tower under seismic excitations by friction dampers, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2018, 18(11): 1850140. (JCR 2区)

7. Y Zheng, Y Dong* and Y Li. Resilience and life-cycle performance of smart bridges with shape memory alloy (SMA)-cable-based bearings, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 158:389-400. (JCR 1区)

8. YL Xu*, Y Zheng and Q Gu. Refined dynamic progressive collapse analysis of RC structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 16(3): 1293-1322. (JCR 2区)

9. Yue Zheng, Bo Chen* and Weizhen Chen. Elasto-plastic seismic response of RC continuous bridges with foundation-pier dynamic interaction, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2015, 18(6): 817-836. (JCR 3区)

10. Yue Zheng*, Xiang Xiao, Lun-hai Zhi and Guo-bo Wang. Evaluation on impact interaction between abutment and steel girder subjected to non-uniform seismic excitation, Shock and Vibration, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/981804. (JCR 3区)

11. Yue Zheng, Bo Chen* and Weizhen Chen. Evaluation on non-uniform seismic responses of a long span cable-stayed bridge based on SHM oriented model. Stahlbau, 2015, 84(4): 252-266. (JCR 4)

12. L. Hu*, Y.L. Xu, and Y. ZhengConditional simulation of spatially variable seismic ground motions based on evolutionary spectraEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2012, 41(15): 2125-2139. (JCR 1区)

13. Qi Li, You-lin Xu, Yue Zheng, An-xin Guo, Kai-yuen Wong and Yong Xia. SHM-based F-AHP bridge rating system with application to Tsing Ma Bridge, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2011, 5(4): 465-478. (EI)


Journal Papers in Chinese

    1. 古泉, 张宁, 郑越*,高延性纤维增强水泥基复合材料(ECC)连续梁模型在地震荷载下的响应及其敏感性分析. 工程力学.  2019, 36(6),     157-163,182.

    2. 郑越*, 徐利平. 泰州长江公路大桥钢结构桥塔的极限承载力研究. 公路交通科技, 5 (2): 51-53, 2009.
    3. 郑越*, 陈兴冲. 考虑基础提离与塑性的桥墩地震反应. 地震工程与工程振动, 29 (4): 125-131, 2009.
    4. 郑越*, 陈兴冲, 戴利民, 杨士金. 柱式钢筋混凝土桥墩的弹塑性抗震简化计算. 公路交通科技, 23(4): 76-79, 2006.
    5. 陈兴冲*, 郑越. 弹塑性Winkler地基上双柱式桥墩的地震反应, 工程力学, 22 (3): 112-117, 2005.
    6. 常虹*, 郑越.竖向承载地下连续墙的沉降计算. 中国公路学报, 16 (3): 73-76, 2003.


Conference Papers

  1. Dong, Y., Zheng, Y., Li, Y. H., Resilience Assessment of Highway Bridges using SMA-based Isolation  Bearings. MAINTENANCE,     SAFETY, RISK, MANAGEMENT AND LIFE-CYCLE PERFORMANCE OF BRIDGES.  2018,  2128-2132.

2. Y. Zheng, Y. Dong. Comparative seismic performance of conventional and resilient bridges with SMA-Cable-Based frictional sliding bearings, The 2017 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 28 Aug. - 1 Sep., 2017, Seoul, Korea.

3. Y.L. Xu, Y. Zheng, Q. Li, K.Y. Wong, Y. Xia, and A.X. Guo, SHM-Based Bridge Rating System for Long-Span Cable-Supported Bridge, 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, 5-8 December 2011, Hong Kong, China.

4. Y. Zheng, Y.L. Xu, and L. Hu, Seismic Response of Analysis of Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge Subjected to Multi-Support Excitation, 5th International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, 20-21, October, 2011, Chengdu, China. (Invited Report)

5. Xu, Y. L., Li, Q., Zheng, Y., et al. Establishment of Bridge Rating System For Tsing Ma Bridge. International Symposium on Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges and  Structures. 2010, 223-232.


每年招收一名硕士研究生,欢迎有志于从事科学研究的同学报考,如果想继续深造可以推荐到美国、香港等地的高校。 (Updated on Dec. 29. 2019)

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