1999年 受聘首批长江学者,赴同济大学桥梁工程系工作,任教授,博士生导师
(3)土木工程防灾国家重点实验室自主课题: 基于车辆传感的中小梁桥结构状态评估研究,2019年6月-2022年12月,负责人;
(6)973计划项目子课题: 基于健康监测的桥梁结构安全评定与控制,2013年1月-2017年12月,负责人;
(9)国家自然科学基金面上项目: 桥梁缆索声发射监测数值模拟与试验研究,2015年1月-2018年12月,负责人;
(10)土木工程防灾国家重点实验室自主课题: 桥梁混合监测的关键理论与方法研究,2015年1月-2017年12月,负责人;
(3)International Society of Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructures (ISHMII),任国际指导委员会委员
(1)国际期刊《International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics》编委
(2)国际期刊《ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering》副主编
(3)国际期刊《Advances in Bridge Engineering》副主编
(1)担任《International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics》、《Advance in Civil Engineering》、《Structural Health Monitoring》、《土木工程学报》、《中国公路学报》、《工程力学》、《同济大学学报》、《东南大学学报》等多种核心期刊的论文审稿及评审工作;
5、一种斜拉索振动控制方法,发明专利,专利号: 201110317341.8;
3、著作名称:Proceeding of 2007 International Symposium on Integrated Life-cycle Design & Management of Intrastructure(《基础设施全寿命设计与管养国际会议论文集》),出版社:同济大学出版社,作者排名:2(主编),出版时间:2007年。
1、Xiaoming Lei, Limin Sun, Ye Xia*, “Seismic Fragility Assessment and Maintenance Management on Regional Bridges using Bayesian Multi-parameter Estimation”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2021
2、Fangdian Di, Lin Chen*, Limin Sun*,“Free vibrations of hybrid cable networks with external dampers and pretensioned cross-ties”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 156, 107627, 2021
3、Fangdian Di, Lin Chen, Limin Sun*,“Optimal design of dampers for multi-mode cable vibration control based on genetic algorithm”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2150058.2021
4、Fangdian Di, Limin Sun, Lin Chen, “In-plane dynamic behaviors of two-cable networks with a pretensioned cross-tie”,Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2755,2021
5、Lin Chen, Satish Naggarajaiah, Limin Sun *, “A unified analysis of negative stiffness dampers and inerter-based absorbers for multimode cable vibration control”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 494, 115814,2021
6、Lin Chen, Yuyuan Xu, Limin Sun*, “A component mode synthesis method for reduced-order modeling of cable networks in cable-stayed bridges”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 491, 115769,2021
7、Wei Zhang, Yixian Li, and Limin Sun, “SHM-Oriented Hybrid Modeling for Stress Analysis of Steel Girder Bridge”, ASCE Jounal of bridge engineering, No.26, June, 2021
8、Yixian Li, Limin Sun*, Wei Zhang, Nagarajaiah Satish*, “Bridge damage detection from the equivalent damage load by multitype measurements”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring. e2709. March 2021
9、Yixian Li, Ledong Zhu, Qian Cheng, Xidong Jian, Limin Sun*, “The time-varying modal information of a cable-stayed bridge: Some consideration for SHM”, Engineering structures, No. 235, April. 2021
10、Xudong Jian, Xia Ye, Limin Sun, “An indirect method for bridge mode shapes identification based on wavelet analysis”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 27(12), e2630. 2020
11、Yixian Li, Limin Sun, “Structural deformation reconstruction by the Penrose–Moore pseudo-inverse and singular value decomposition–estimated equivalent force”, Structural Health Monitoring. 2020.09
12、Fangdian Di, Limin Sun, Lin Chen, “Cable vibration control with internal and external dampers: Theoretical analysis and field test validation”, Smart Structures and Systems, 26(5), 575-589,2020
13、Fangdian Di, Limin Sun, Lei Qin, et al., “Full-scale experimental study on vibration control of bridge suspenders using Stockbridge dampers”, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 25(8), 04020047, 2020
14、Lin Chen, Fangdian Di, Yuyuan Xu, Limin Sun*, et al, “ Multimode cable vibration control using a viscous-shear damper: Case studies on the Sutong Bridge”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 27(6), e2536,2020
15、Lin Chen, Limin Sun*, Yuyuan Xu, et al, “A comparative study of multi-mode cable vibration control using viscous and viscoelastic dampers through field tests on the Sutong Bridge”, Engineering Structures, 224, 111226,2020
16、Ning Hou, Limin Sun, Chen Lin, “Cable Reliability Assessments for Cable-Stayed Bridges using Identified Tension Forces and Monitored Loads”, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol.25, No.7, Jul. 1 2020
17、Xiaoming Lei, Limin Sun, Ye Xia*, “Lost Data Reconstruction for Structural Health Monitoring using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks”. Structural Health Monitoring, 2020
18、Ye Xia, Xiaoming Lei*, Peng Wang, Guoming Liu, Limin Sun, “Long-term Performance Monitoring and Assessment of Concrete Beam Bridges using Neutral Axis Indicator”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2020
19、Sun, Limin; Li, Yixian; Zhu, Wang; Zhang, Wei, “Structural response reconstruction in physical coordinate from deficient measurements”, Engineering Structures, No. 212, JUN 1 2020
20、Sun, Limin; Li, Yixian; Zhang, Wei, “Experimental Study on Continuous Bridge-Deflection Estimation through Inclination and Strain”, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol.25, No.5, May 1 2020
21、Xiaoming Lei, Limin Sun, Ye Xia*, Tiantao He*. “Vibration-based seismic damage states evaluation for regional concrete beam bridges using random forest method”, Sustainability, 12, 5106, 2020
22、Fayun Liang, Yajie Jia, Wen Xie, Limin Sun, “Transverse response of pile group foundations supporting a long-span cable-stayed bridge under uniform and nonuniform excitation”, Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, Vol.121, p57-74, 2019.06
23、Limin Sun,Wen Xie, “Experimental assessment of soil-structure interaction effects on a super long-span cable-stayed-bridge with pile group foundations”, Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol.17, No.6 p3169-3196, 2019.06
24、Yi Zhou, Limin Sun*, “A comprehensive study of the thermal response of a long-span cable-stayed bridge: From monitoring phenomena to underlying mechanisms”, Mechanical systems and signal processing, Vol.124, p330-348, 2019.06
25、Yi Zhou, Limin Sun*, “Insights into temperature effects on structural deformation of a cable-stayed bridge based on structural health monitoring”, Structural Health Monitoring, Vol.18, No.3, p778-791, 2019.04
26、Wen Xie, Limin Sun*, “Experimental and numerical verification on effects of inelastic tower links on transverse seismic response of tower of bridge full model”, Engineering structures, Vol.182, p344-362, 2019.3
27、Ye Xia, Peng Wang, Limin Sun*, “Neutral Axis-Based Health Monitoring and Condition Assessment Techniques for Concrete Box Girder Bridges”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 19(1),2019.01
28、Limin Sun, Dongxiao Hong, Lin Chen, “In-plane free vibrations of shallow cables with cross-ties”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 26(10), e2421, 2019
29、Limin Sun, Yuyuan, Xu,Lin Chen*, “Damping effects of nonlinear dampers on a shallow cable”, Engineering Structures, 196, 109305, 2019
30、Yi Zhou, Limin Sun*, and Mowen Xie, “Wind characteristics at a long-span sea-crossing bridge site based on monitoring data”, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, DOI: 10.1177/1461348418762962,2018
31、Yi Zhou, Limin Sun*, “Insights into temperature effects on structural deformation of a cable-stayed bridge based on structural health monitoring”, Structural Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1177/1475921718773954, 2018
32、Limin Sun, Yi Zhou, and Zhihua Min, “Experimental study on the effect of temperature on modal frequencies of bridges”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 18(12), pp. 1850155, 2018
33、Ji Qian, Xin Chen, Limin Sun, “Numerical and Experimental Identification of Seven-Wire Strand Tensions Using Scale Energy Entropy Spectra of Ultrasonic Guided Waves”, Hindawi Shock and Vibration Volume, Article ID 6905073, 2018
34、Yi Zhou, Limin Sun*, “Effects of high winds on a long-span sea-crossing bridge based on structural health monitoring”, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.174, 2018
35、Wen Xie, Limin Sun, “Transverse failure modes and control strategies of super longspan cablestayed bridge under extreme earthquake”, Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol.19, No.8, 2017.12
36、Sun Limin, Chen Lin, “Residual mode correction in calibrating nonlinear damper for vibration control of flexible structures”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, v 406, 197-207, 13 Oct. 2017
37、Liang Fayun, Jia Yajie, Sun Limin, Xie Wen, “Seismic response of pile groups supporting long-span cable-stayed bridge subjected to multi-support excitations” , Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v 101, 182-203, Oct. 2017
38、Sun Limin, Hong Dongxiao, Chen Lin, “Cables interconnected with tuned inerter damper for vibration mitigation”, Engineering Structures, v 151, 57-67, Nov. 2017
39、Yang Wei, Sun Limin*, Yu Gang, “Optimal sensor placement methodology for uncertainty reduction in the assessment of structural condition”,Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v 24,No.6, Jun. 2017
40、Zhang Liye, Sun Limin*, “Effect of concrete carbonation on natural frequency of reinforced concrete beams”, Advances in Structural Engineering, v 20, No.3, 316-330, Mar. 2017
41、Yang Yaohua, Huang Hongwei, Sun Limin, “Numerical studies on the effect of measurement noises on the online parametric identification of a cable-stayed bridge”, Smart Structural and Systems, v 19, No.3, 259-268, Mar. 2017
42、Chen Lin, Sun Limin*, “Steady-State Analysis of Cable with Nonlinear Damper via Harmonic Balance Method for Maximizing Damping”,Journal of Structural Engineering, v 143, No.2, Feb. 2017
43、Sun Shouwang, Sun Limin*, Chen Lin, “Damage Detection Based on Structural Responses Induced by Traffic Load: Methodology and Application”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol.16, No. 4, SI, MAY 2016
44、Zhang Liye, Sun Limin*, Shang Zhiqiang, “Real-time reliability assessment based on acceleration monitoring for bridge”, Science China-Technological Sciences, Vol.59, No.8,pp.1294-1304, Aug.2016
45、Zhang Liye, Sun Limin,“Effect of concrete carbonation on natural frequency of reinforced concrete beams”,Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol.20, No.3, P316-330, MAR 2017
46、Lin Chen, Sun Limin*, Satish Naggarajaiah, “Cable vibration control with both lateral and rotational dampers attached at an intermediate lacation”, Journal of Sound and Vibration,Vol.377, pp.38-57, Sep.2016
47、Zhangwei, Sun Limin, Sun Shouwang, “Bridge-Deflection Estimation through Inclinometer Data Considering Structural Damages”, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000979, 2016.10
48、Yangwei, Sun Limin, Yu Gang, ”Optimal sensor placement methodology for uncertainty reduction in the assessment of structural condition”, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/stc.1927, 2016.09
[1] Sun, Limin (1991). Semi-Analytical Modeling and Damping Control of Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD), Phd. Thesis, University of Tokyo.
[2] Sun, Limin (1988). Simulation of Nonlienar Waves in Rectangular Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD). Master Thesis, University of Tokyo.
版权所有 同济大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系 上海市四平路1239号