同济桥梁讲坛 2019年第17期
发布时间:2019-06-12        浏览次数:140



题目:The European Experience on the Quality Control of Bridges —Outcomes from COST Action TU1406

主讲人:Jose Campos Matos, Professor,Minho University, Portugal

时间: 2019年7月22日  9.30-10.30 AM 

主持人:阮欣  教授


主讲人简介:Graduated in civil engineering in 2002, obtained his Master in structures of civil engineering in 2008, and his PhD in civil engineering in 2013, in the field of probabilistic-based safety assessment of existing structures. Is being developing his teaching activities, as well as the supervision of MSc and PhD thesis, since 2007, at School of Engineering of University of Minho. He is member of ISISE – Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering, since 2007. His research fields are asset management systems, life-cycle costs (LCC), safety assessment, risk evaluation and sustainability. He is author or co-author of more than 75 publications in international conferences and journals. Participates in several international committees, coordinating several international working groups. He is also coordinating, among others, the research project SustIMS – Sustainable Infrastructure Management System (Portugal 2020) and the project SAFEWAY – GIS_Based Infrastructure Management System for Optimized Response to Extreme Events on Terrestrial Transport Networks (Horizonte 2020), as well as the Action COST TU 1406 –Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level (BridgeSpec).

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